Without getting caught up on what was and loosing sight of the blessings of right now (this is something I must continually work on), I want to take some time to reflect on some of the highlights of the summer.
Today I'll begin with something that is still going on right now. Over the last 2 months Josiah has grown and changed so much. When we began the summer he was a total Momma's boy and we were convinced he was an introvert and would struggle with the number of people we would constantly be surrounded by while visiting family. However, let me tell you, our toddler in the making is a whole new kid now. It seemed like the more people he was around the more extroverted he became. Now I'm worried he's not going to know what to do with just the four of us in the house most days. I can't wait to see how he continues to grow and change in the coming months! Thank you to everyone who loved on our little boy this summer and helped him to break out of his shell.In addition, when we began the summer this kid was an incredibly picky eater. Getting him to consume any protein besides breast milk and yogurt was nearly impossible. Suddenly, during the summer, he started embracing food whole-heatedly. Now he rarely turns anything down and between he and Eli I feel like I'm starting to get a small picture of what my grocery bills will be like in the years to come (hijole!). Next, he speaks! My grandfather who is Greek has taught all of his children, grandchildren, and now great-grandchildren to say "tota" (the Greek word for touch) while touching his pointer finger to theirs. Apparently it's some sort of Greek tradition. Anyone else ever heard of this? Anyway, tota was Josiah's first word as he touched his finger to mine. That's right my baby's first word was in Greek! Watch out world this kid is going to be trilingual! His second word was a slightly less impressive, but still incredibly cute "uh oh" (after dropping something), followed by "bye bye" and "hi." It seems he only learns words with sort sort of gesture involved. So, if I want him to say "mama" or "dada" I may have to start teaching him the sign language to go with it.Finally, this kid is on the move. We will officially be calling him a toddler any day now. He regularly takes three steps at a time and will be fully on the move and running around with his big brother any day now. Terrifying!I can't believe my baby boy will be 1 year old in just two weeks. Where did the time go?Ok, that's it for day 1 of highlights. There are more to come and I promise the rest won't be me just gushing over my boys, but this proud Momma had to share a little.