Another Year

After a long, beautiful, love-filled summer (more on that in the days to come) we're back in Mexico City to begin another school year.

another year where I get to stay home with our two amazing little boys

another year of trying to keep up enough energy for two rambunctious little boys

another year of precious cuddles and wide-mouthed baby kisses

another year of eating soggy cereal while trying to keep everyone else fed, happy, and at the table

another year of watching sweet little faces light up at the excitement of new experiences and realizations

another year of rarely getting to go to the bathroom by myself

another year of enjoying life together as a family of four

another year of loneliness in a culture I can't quite call my own

another year of growing to love the color, vibrancy, flavor, and history that is Mexico City

another year of learning, stretching, and changing

Another year of trusting that this is where God is using me right now, in this moment.


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