Mr. Right

I found my Mr. Right almost 10 years ago at Grove City College.  If you are familiar with Grove City College you probably know that it is kind a cliché to find your future spouse there.  At the freshman orientation one of the previous administrators used to stand in front of the entire freshman body every year and say “look to your left, look to your right, your future mate may be in sight.”  

Seriously, it’s not a myth.  I personally experienced it.

College Days at Grove City
Despite this, at the beginning of my sophomore year I found Mr. Right.  It was laundry day and he was wearing gym shorts, a tank top, and socks stained brown from a previous spelunking adventure.  His first words to me (during a game of flag football) were:  “Do you know how to play?  Run that way and catch the ball.”  Mind you this was before he even bothered introducing himself or finding out my name.  Real knight in shining armor kind of stuff!  Despite all of that I fell in love with him and here we are almost 10 years later, going on 7 years of marriage, and about to have our second child. God has a sense of humor and knows just what we need.

I have been reading a somewhat unknown classic novel entitled The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins.  It was first published in 1860 and is regarded as one of both the first sensation and mystery novels.    I kind of stumbled upon it on the website (something fun to check out if you like to read).  I’m only about a quarter of the way through (when you have a toddler to chase around all day and you tend to read more than one book at a time the process gets slowed down a bit), but so far I have really enjoyed it.  It is full of little quotes that stop and make you ponder for a moment.  Like this one:

“The woman who first gives life, light, and form to our shadowy conceptions of beauty, fills a void in our spiritual nature that has remained unknown to us till she appeared.” (pg. 35)

Isn’t that who all women long to be – the woman who makes life more complete for one man? 

I doubt that Dave would ever spout this kind of prose in reference to our first meeting, but I do know that my life is fuller because of him.  I’m a blessed woman to have found the man who makes my life the kind of adventure it should be, and I can't imagine living this adventure out with anyone else.  He is the man who can still make me feel beautiful despite my ever growing pregnant belly, who puts up with my moods swings, and makes me feel loved every day.

In Zihuatanejo, Mexico this past November

He’s my Mr. Right.


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