Sorry for the cutesy title, but alliteration just seems to
trip off my tongue these days as we work on language development with Eli.
You see my oven is a little old school. I have to actually light it with a lighter
each time I want to use it, plus there’s no actual temperature setting. The labels on the knob read: Apag (Off), Asar
(Broil), Hornear (Bake), Precal (Preheat) – which is useful, but not ideal. And
yes, I realize there is a nifty little gadget called an oven thermometer, but
if I bought one here it would be in Celsius and I just don’t feel like
constantly calculating back and forth between Celsius and Fahrenheit. Luckily
my lovely momma will be bringing me an American oven thermometer in a couple
Until then I’m working on mastering the art of baking with
my old school oven and the added bonus of the high altitude (7000+ ft.). Here are some of the yummy things we’ve
enjoyed so far: lemon yogurt cake, banana nut muffins, and apple cinnamon pancakes. Delicious! Next I think I’m going to have to try this
glazed apple cinnamon bread. The apple
cinnamon pancakes and glazed apple cinnamon bread are from Megan lived a couple doors down from me my freshman year of college and although I didn’t get to enjoy
her culinary creations back then I’m now a big fan of her site. Even if you’re not into cooking, you should
check it out just to see the pictures of her food. She’ll have you drooling in no time!
Meanwhile, I’ll be here working on perfecting my baking and
expanding our wastlines.