Back to our regularly scheduled program of summer highlights, and on to the (hopefully) obvious summer highlight - spending time with friends and family. Seriously, what an amazing blessing it was to have 6 whole weeks to relax and spend time with these people. This is definitely a perk of being a school employee's wife!
It was so good for my heart and soul to be able to spend time fellowshipping with ever single one of these individuals. I loved watching them love on my kids, was overwhelmed with their generosity of time and resources toward our family, soaked in the conversations, prayer, and laughter, and was just genuinely thankful for each of them all summer long.
Thank you , thank you, thank you everyone! To those we missed or didn't get to spend as much time with as we had hoped 1) we'll be back, let's find a way to make it happen next time and 2) you are always welcome to come visit us in Mexico...seriously. We hope to see each of you again soon!