On Your Second Birthday

Dear Eli,

Today is your second birthday.  I simultaneously cannot believe you are 2 years old already and have a hard time picturing my life without you.  For the last 2 years you have brought us so much joy.  Yes, you have certainly tried our patience at times, but the times you have brought a smile to my face far outweigh the other times.  Thank you for being such a happy child.

You have taken on being a big brother with amazing gusto.  I have yet to see you be truly jealous of your little brother.  Instead you have welcomed him with open arms and rather aggressive hugs and kisses.  You have taken the adage “the more the merrier to heart.” Thank you for continuing to bless us with your openness to change.

Your vocabulary in both Spanish and English continues to grow exponentially.  There are still many things you say that we don’t quite understand and some consonants you haven’t quite figured out, but the things you say clearly continue to amaze me.  You use please and thank you lavishly and at surprising moments.  Thank you for reminding me to tell people I appreciate the little things. 

You love whole-heartedly.  Some of that love is given to “choo choos” (anything with wheels), Buzz Lightyear, and Dora (who we’re pretty sure we can count as your first crush), but so much of it is poured out on those around you.  You love your cousin Isabella incredibly and have not quite learned that her need for personal space is much greater than yours (which is virtually non-existent), you adore talking over Skype with your grandparents and showing them the new things in your life, you tell your little brother you love him often even though he’s not yet able to give you any kind of response, and you melt my heart every time you suddenly grab mine or Daddy’s leg and proclaim “I lub you.”  Thank you for being an amazing example of why our Heavenly Father said “let the little children come to me, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

I love you, Eli and I’m so proud to be your mommy.  Happy birthday, Buddy.



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